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I hate the phrase 'its not the dogs it's the owners'

Yes there are some really irresponsible humans out there who allow their dogs to practice nuisance behaviour.

But there are also some rather 'reactive' dogs that belong to some of the best and most dedicated dog guardians I know.

I've made minor tweaks but largely Duke and Bella were both raised exactly the same.

Bella is a sensitive girl. She loves her dog friends but she's unpredictable about strange dogs. Despite 2 years of not missing a training class as a puppy, this is now an environment she totally cannot cope with. She's seriously clever, learns really quickly and chains behaviours easily whether I want her to or not.

Duke is super confident. He's very attentive when he trains, he doesn't always grasp things as quickly but once he does he's solid and reliable.

Both dogs did training classes from puppy through to adult, they did fun classes such as scentwork, hoopers and agility.

Both dogs live with an already anxious dog.

Both dogs regularly go on group walks with other dogs.

Puppies are not blank slates. They are influenced by other factors long before we bring them into our homes.

Parents genes have an effect on the puppies.

Environmental changes whilst the puppies are developing in the womb (Epigenetics) can have an effect. Did the mum experience stress?

Puppies stay with their breeders after birth which is a critical learning period. Early experiences, the difference between a good breeder and a bad one can really impact whether the puppy is set up for success.

This is why ongoing training is so important.

Positive trainers want to help frame your puppy and shape them into a well rounded individual. They can spot things early that guardians often can't because they are too emotionally involved. They can refer you to other professionals early if needed.

Our job is problem prevention. To set you all up for success at a happy relationship.

I already had a reactive dog, I already had the skills to deal with Bella, but I guarantee that without the early guidance and training Bella's quirks would be considerably more significant. Lots of dogs are dog selective but I could of had another very worried stressed dog on my hands, but I don't because of the time and effort we invested.

So next time you see someone struggling with their dog. Don't critise. Most are doing their best in what is a really difficult circumstance.

If you have a perfectly behaved dog, thank your lucky stars, because thats what we all wanted in the first place.

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