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Stop taking your dog for a walk

Stop taking your dog for a walk.

Seriously stop.

Now of course I don't mean literally. Exercise is important for our dogs physical and mental welfare.

But we need to stop thinking of it as JUST exercise when it should be so much more.

My job as a dog walker is not to force your dogs on a route march, coving ground to ensure we get a set distance each time.

My job is to accompany your dog's on THEIR walk to offer guidance and keep everyone safe.

I stop and wait so dogs can sniff.

I watch the dogs playing to make sure everyone is having a lovely time not just one.

I slow down for the dogs that need it because they are old, or tired or just not in the mood for speed that day.

I let the dogs take in the sounds and sights at their pace.

I keep them safe from things that might worry them. This might mean changing direction and going a different route than we originally planned.

I do some fun training or help the dogs develop their lifeskills and good choices.

We play together, we interact, we chat nonsense and if the dog requests them even cuddles are allowed.

And guess what. If a dog decides they want a little rest then that's what we do.

Stop thinking of your walks as A to B. Think of them more as an experience, a chance to bond and enjoy some fresh air in the wonderful places we have around us.

You might have a really busy schedule that week and see it more as a chore, but remember this might be the one thing your dog has had to look forward to all day. Enjoy a moment together and forget the rest of your worries.

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